티스토리 뷰



피직이 2014. 6. 6. 18:22

I'm tired.

I'm tired.

I'm not tired.

I'm tired.


여러 사람이 같은 말을 너무 많이 반복함

겹치는 부분인 tired 생략 가능


I'm tired

I am

I'm not

I am


Do 타입의 동사일 경우

I like cats

I don't like cats

I like cats

I like cat
I don't
I do


I went to bed early last night

I didn't

I did


Are you a student?

Yes, I am.


Do you like spaghetti?

Yes, I do.


I've been to London.

I haven't.

I have.


I have seen the movie

My sister hasn't seen the movie

= I have seen the movie. But my sister hasn't.


Are you tired?

I was. but I'm not


Did you and John like the movie?

I did, but John didn't.



I've decided to buy a new car.

똑같은 반복하면서 맞장구 치기

You've decided to buy a new car?

You have?



I don't like Eric.

You don't?

I don't.



Tag Questions.

꼬리표 질문

앞에 말과 반대되는 포지션으로 꼬리에 붙임


It's a nice day, isn't it?

you closed the window, didn't you?

That isn't your car, is it?

Lucia doesn’t have a car, does she?

You won't be late, will you?



I'm happy.

맞장구 치는 방법들

You are? Me, too.

I'm happy, too.

I am, too.

나도 그렇다는 것을 강조 때는 too so 바뀌어서 앞으로

어순을 바꿨다는 표현으로 동사가 주어 앞으로 나옴

So am I.



I like spaghetti.

I do, too.

So do I



I'm not happy.

Me, neither.

I'm not happy, either.

I'm not, either.

Neither am I.



Bill doesn't watch TV.

He doesn't read the newspaper, either.


Jane doesn’t like spaghetti.

Pole doesn't, either.



'study > grammar' 카테고리의 다른 글

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